Bounds Triggers and Destroy Traps - DEMO MIS FILE-DROMED2 A Tutorial by 'pbucko' (PaulBuckley) BoundsTriggers can be used instead of the TrigRoomPlayer method and is a lot simpler to implement. I used these to control a door in a room that would be operated when the player enters the room or walks within the radius of the boundstrigger. Right, I will assume that you have got all scripts, rooms, etc.. created. You have a room connected to a corridoor that leads to another room with a portcullis as the door. Option 1 - Automatic Door - Unlocked 1. Place the portcullis in the door space in the closed position. 2. Open the portcullis properties and -add> engine features> frobinfo> uncheck "script", uncheck "none" and check "ignore". This means that the player cannot control the door by "frobbing" (using) the door. 3. Create a BoundsTrigger (fnord > TrapTrig > BoundsTrigger) 4. Place it in the door space at the position of the portcullis 5. Select the BoundsTrigger and edit properties (optional). In properties select Model> Edit the radius (dimensions) this defaults at 8*8*8. This is the radius within which the player will trigger the door, you could make it the same width as the corridoor. 6. Add a link to the BoundsTrigger From -----BoundsTrigger Flavour---ControlDevice To--------Portcullis 7. Go into the game and walk into the corridoor toward the portcullis, as you enter the radius of the bounds trigger you will trigger the door and it will open. When you walk through the doorway into the other room the door will close behind you when you leave the radius of the bounds trigger. This will happen every time you enter the radius. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Option 2 - Automatic locking door 1. Place the portcullis in the door space in the open position.(so the player does not have to open the door to the loot room) 2. Open the portcullis properties and -add> engine features> frobinfo> uncheck "script", uncheck "none" and check "ignore". This means that the player cannot control the door by "frobbing" (using) the door. 3. Create a BoundsTrigger (fnord > TrapTrig > BoundsTrigger) and place it at the back of the room near some loot, in this case its the two precursor masks. 4. Select the BoundsTrigger and edit properties (optional). In properties select Model> Edit the radius (dimensions) this defaults at 8*8*8. 5. Add a link to the BoundsTrigger From -----BoundsTrigger Flavour---ControlDevice To--------Portcullis 7. Create a destroy trap (fnord > TrapTrig >destroytrap and place it any where in the room 8. Add another link to the BoundsTrigger From -----BoundsTrigger Flavour---ControlDevice To--------DestroyTrap 9. Select the destroyTrap and add a link From -----DestroyTrap Flavour---ControlDevice To--------BoundsTrigger (8 & 9 trigger the destroy trap to destroy the boundstrigger so the door will not open again when the player enters the radius again) This method would work to trap a player from going back out through the portcullis once they have entered the raduis of the boundstrigger near the loot. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bounds triggers can be used to kill a creature also by linking- BoundsTrigger To(ControlDevice) DestroyTrap and DestroyTrap To(ControlDevice) Creature number When the player enters the radius of the bounds trigger the destroy trap will kill that creature. Boundstriggers can be used to trigger almost anything, just like trigroomplayer script without the hassle. Hope this tutorial was clear and helps a little. pbucko....