
TWScript is a collection of script modules for Thief 21. These scripts are provided under the terms of the GNU GPL v2, a full copy of which may be found in the LICENSE file in the distribution directory, along with other license information.

TWScript would not be possible without the Public Scripts package released by Telliamed (Tom N. Harris), and I would like to express my sincere thanks for his generous contribution to the community.

I'd also like to thank LarryG for his suggestions, patience, feedback, and willingness to be a guinea-pig.


In order to use TWScript with missions, it must be made available to Thief 2 in a location it recognises.

Players can place the .osm in the Thief 2 directory and, if it is not provided with a mission, Thief 2 will use that version.

For editors, the simplest method to include TWScript is to place the .osm in your mission's directory inside the Thief2\FMs\ directory, and use FMSel to select your mission when editing it. When you distribute your mission you can simply zip up your mission directory and distribute that.2


The documentation for the scripts consists of a number of files in addition to this one:

Development information

The current version of TWScript is essentially an early beta release, and some significant changes are in development. Some features that should be in the next release are:

The source

The source code for TWScript, including supporting files and instructions for building the scripts is available at github:

  1. Actually, in this current release, there is only one script module you can really use - TWTrapSetSpeed - but several others are planned or in development, so the plural will be justified eventually! ↩

  2. Note that doing this does have the downside that the version of the osm included with your mission will not get any bugfixes or updates unless you repackage your mission. Another, albeit less reliable, method is to simply state that players must install the .osm in their Thief2 directory - but if you do that, expect to run into problems if players do not follow the instructions! ↩

  3. As the number of scripts increases, I will add an index to make navigating between script documents easier. For now it's somewhat redundant. ↩

Version 1.0 (Fulham Broadway)