
Building pieces of another world.
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This page contains links to custom objects for Thief 2, some of them made by myself, some made by others. These objects may work in Thief 1, but I can provide no guarantee of that.

Objects by The Watcher

These objects have been created by the author while developing his missions, and you are free to use and distribute them in your own missions provided that credit is given in your readme file. Most of the download archives contain instructions for setting up the objects in Dromed, and a src folder containing the source object (often a lightwave object file, and the intermediate .E file). Most people will want to ignore the src files, unless they need to modify the object in some way.

Objects by others

Skeletons & Bones 2
Author LarryG
Last update 10th April 2014
TTLG thread The Skeleton
Download size 10.19MB
Download Skeletons_n_Bones2.zip

Skeletons & Bones 2

This package includes 6 skeleton AIs and enough skeleton bone parts to start your own bonehoard! These are higher poly replacement bones for all OEM bones and bone objects -- except for the whole skeleton objects. That was not possible given the T2's poly count limits for objects.

Now updated to include 8 Skeleton Warriors

Old version without warrior AIs available here.

Blackjacks & Blackjack arms
Author LarryG
Last update 7th August 2013
Download size 221KB
Download Bjachands.zip

Blackjacks & Blackjack arms

The idea was to make the blackjack arm use the blackjack object so that it would be easy to make sure that they match each other by using the same texture in the TXT16 directories. But, unlike the swords and the sword arm, the original blackjack is larger than the blackjack held by the arm. Additionally, the blackjack held by the arm is at an angle that would have the blackjack handle go right through Garrett's palm.

So I had to resize the blackjack and while I was there I redid the surface normals so that the texture was mapped correctly as a cylinder. Some of the original normals were a little wacky resulting in incorrect texturing. The angle of the blackjack in the hand was adjusted so that the blackjack is held in the hand, not piercing it. These use the original blackjack texture.

Then I took the blackjack image off of the arm model, resized it and reworked it to make a higher definition "EP" texture. And I used that with the new models.

Lastly, I remodeled a slightly higher poly blackjack (from 33 to 64 polys). This new model is shaped more like a real world blackjack. so there is this third variation of the blackjack & arm.

The following pages contain objects created by other people, and hosted on my website as mirrors.


  • gravatar The Watcher [userbureaucratsysopPHRhYmxlIGNsYXNzPSJ0d3BvcHVwIj48dHI+PHRkIGNsYXNzPSJ0d3BvcHVwLWVudHJ5dGl0bGUiPkdyb3Vwczo8L3RkPjx0ZD51c2VyPGJyIC8+YnVyZWF1Y3JhdDxiciAvPnN5c29wPGJyIC8+PC90ZD48L3RyPjwvdGFibGU+]