Template:MenuBox linkbox

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The {{MenuBox linkbox}} template creates a pair of menu boxes - much like {{MenuBox double}} - except that this template makes setting up simple lists of links to other resources much easier than doing it 'by hand' in {{MenuBox double}}. The boxes created by this template may each contain a small left-aligned image, three arbitrary links, and a 'More' link to a page containing additional content. The link boxes on the Main Page are examples of this template in use.

Template Syntax

The syntax used to insert this template into your page is rather more complicated than {{MenuBox}} or {{MenuBox double}}, but it looks worse than it really is:

{{MenuBox linkbox
| title1 = Left box title
| image1 = Left box image.jpg
| image1link=Left box image link
| left1 = [[Left link 1]]
| left2 = [[Left link 2]]
| left3 = [[Left link 3]]
| more1 = Page with more content
| title2 = Right box title
| image2 = Right box image.jpg
| image2link = Right box image link
| right1 = [[Left link 1]]
| right2 = [[Left link 2]]
| right3 = [[Left link 3]]
| more2 = Page with more content}}

The supported parameters are:

title1, title2
The optional titles for the left (title1) and right (title2) boxes.
image1, image2
The name of the image to show in the left and right boxes. This argument is optional, and if you specify an image you should omit the [[Image: and closing ]] (ie: just provide the name.) You can not directly specify any settings for the image, and if you specify an image it will be shown to the left of the menu links as an 80px wide thumbnail.
image1link, image2link
Optionally set the page the left or right images (if they are specified) take the user to when clicked on. image1link contains the title of the page the left image links to, while image2link contains the title of the page the right image links to. If the images are not specified, these parameters are ignored.
left1, left2, left3
The menu options in the left box. Each of these parameters is optional, and the value specified is inserted into the menu box as a list item. You will generally want to make the value a wiki link, but it can be pretty much anything that will go in a list item.
right1, right2, right3
The menu options in the right box. These are identical to the left1...left3 parameters, except that they are for the right box rather than the left.
more1, more2
The names of the pages linked to by the 'More' links at the bottom of the left (more1) and right (more2) boxes. This should be a page title, including namespace if needed, rather than a link. If not specified, the 'More' link will not appear.


The following is an example taken from the Main Page:

{{MenuBox linkbox
| title1 = Documentation
| image1 = Docs_small.jpg
| image1link=Docs:Contents
| left1 = [[Docs:Course Structure|Course Structure specification]]
| left2 = [[Docs:wiki2course.pl|Wiki to course exporter script]]
| left3 = [[Docs:Course Processor|Course Processor]]
| more1 = Docs:Contents

| title2 = Courses
| image2 = research_small.png
| image2link = Courses
| right1 = [[C:Course|C Programming]]
| right2 = [[IntroHI:Course|Intro. to Health Info.]]
| right3 = [[BHI:Course|BioHealth Informatics]]
| more2 = Courses}}



See also

  • {{MenuBox}} - a single column, page-spanning menu box.
  • {{MenuBox double}} - a two-column menu box with free contents.


  • gravatar The Watcher [userbureaucratsysopPHRhYmxlIGNsYXNzPSJ0d3BvcHVwIj48dHI+PHRkIGNsYXNzPSJ0d3BvcHVwLWVudHJ5dGl0bGUiPkdyb3Vwczo8L3RkPjx0ZD51c2VyPGJyIC8+YnVyZWF1Y3JhdDxiciAvPnN5c29wPGJyIC8+PC90ZD48L3RyPjwvdGFibGU+]